Career by IPC-Computer

IPC-Computer is probably Germany's largest notebook spare parts eTailer with its own notebook service workshop. We have been selling notebook spare parts through our store systems since 2002, making us an online retailer from the very beginning. Almost all major notebook manufacturers work directly with us. This guarantees maximum added value for our customers in terms of price, availability and information.


What inspires our emlployees:

  • Future-proof job, especially now in the crisis - we will continue to grow in 2021!
  • Pleasant people in the Team
  • State-of-the-art work tools - help everyone achieve good results
  • High level of digital automation with intelligent archiving systems
  • Chellenging fields of activity with good opporunities for advancement - many top performers are former trainees
  • Performance-related pay - commitment always pays off for everyone
  • We are a company with flat hierarchies and short decision-making paths. If you are looking for a new challenge and would like to work in an interesting environment, then apply

by E-Mail to:

Employee for customer service and order processing

We are looking for support for the customer service department as soon as possible. The tasks include:

  • Processing customer returns
  • Customercommunication
  • Order processing

further information about this position.

Apprenticeship occupations as of 01.09.2021

We offer apprenticeships in a young and dynamic team for committed employees with technical interest and good PC skills. You can learn the following professions as part of an apprenticeship in our company:

Voices of our trainees and trainers

Felix Singler - Purchasing

Felix Singler


Hello, my name is Felix Singler, I am 19 years young and started my training as a wholesale and foreign trade merchant at IPC-Computer in September 2018.

The training as a merchant for wholesale and foreign trade is very demanding and interesting here. I constantly encounter new challenges, but I can always count on the help of my colleagues. What I like best here is the relaxed working atmosphere in which trainees are shown new things. What they learn can then be put into practice straight away. As a vacation or sick leave replacement, I already repair notebooks independently or create repair invoices for our customers. The department managers also give us trainees interesting tasks. The decision to complete an apprenticeship at IPC Computer was the right one

Willi Wagner - Trainer

Willi Wagner


Hello, my name is Willi Wagner, I am 34 years old and I am a trainer at IPC-Computer.

What I particularly like about my job is dealing with young people and the varied work. I have enjoyed dealing with young people for many years, which is why I have been a soccer coach for over 10 years. In 2017, I successfully completed my instructor exam according to AEVO at the IHK and have been an instructor at IPC-Computer since then. I am very happy when a trainee continues to work at IPC-Computer after his three-year training and takes responsibility. As a trainer I accompany our trainees the whole time of their training and during this time I not only take care of training the specialists of tomorrow but also of the concerns of our trainees.

Voices after training

Dominik Zietzer - Programming

Dominik Zietzer


Hello, my name is Dominik Zietzer and I completed my training as an IT specialist for application development at IPC-Computer in 2019.

The training at IPC-Computer was very varied and interesting. Among other things, I was allowed to plan and implement several independent programming projects during my training. So I am proud of the new warehouse management software, article management software or div. crawler systems. In the 3-member programming team I experienced very competent support at any time and was able to learn a lot during my apprenticeship.

After my apprenticeship I was offered a permanent position as a programmer, which I gladly accepted.

Adrian Singler - Purchasing manager

Adrian Singler

Purchasing manager

Hello, my name is Adrian Singler, I completed my training as a merchant in wholesale and foreign trade at IPC-Computer Deutschland GmbH in July 2017.

After my training, I accepted a clerk position in purchasing. Since 1.1.2020 I have been promoted to purchasing manager. I am very grateful for the opportunities and possibilities of further development in my former training company. So that I can also complete my new tasks efficiently and professionally, the ingenious purchasing tool "Purchy" was programmed by our IT department. The fact that employees are consistently promoted makes IPC-Computer an attractive employer for every performance-oriented employee. I am currently studying business administration part-time at the Academy of Management and Economics.

Helena Kälble - Accounting

Helena Kälble



My name is Helena Kälble. I completed my apprenticeship at IPC-Computer as a businesswoman in wholesale and foreign trade in 2020. The training was exciting and varied. 
I found it particularly interesting that I got deep insights into all departments and was thus able to get to know the whole company very well. According to my skills and wishes, I was offered a position in the accounting department after the training. Since we are an internationally active group of companies, my work there is very diverse and varied. In our pleasant and relaxed working atmosphere, I learn something new from my nice colleagues almost every day. Thanks to the mobile workstations and our modern document management system, we were immediately able to work securely from home during the Corona period. .